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EQ-i 2.0® and EQ 360®


Emotional Intelligence

“Emotionally intelligent leaders” retain and develop the talent that will lead innovation and business growth.

Emotional intelligence is a set of emotional and social skills that influence the way we perceive and express ourselves, develop and maintain social relationships, cope with challenges and use emotional information in an effective and meaningful way.

The research supporting the importance of Emotional Intelligence dates back over 30 years, and while it was made popular in the late 1990s, arguably it is even more important today.

Why is EI Important?

Emotional Intelligence has proven to be a key indicator of human performance and development. People higher in EI communicate effectively, form strong relationships, and create powerful coping strategies. EI can be measured – more accessible and less controversial than IQ – and unlike IQ, it can be substantially strengthened and developed.

Why the EQ-i 2.0® and EQ 360® Instrument?

The Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i 2.0® and EQ 360®) is one of the first scientifically validated and one of the most widely used Emotional Intelligence instruments in the world. It builds on the success and insights of the BarOn EQ-i® instrument by introducing an updated model of emotional intelligence and introduces some differences that stem from changes, based on extensive feedback, to assessment items, updated norms, and rigorous reliability and validity studies.

Based on more than 20 years of research worldwide, the EQ-i 2.0® and EQ 360® examine an individual’s social and emotional strengths and weaknesses. Respondents self-report on their life and workplace performance in 15 key areas of emotional skill that have been proven to contribute to proficiency in complex business activities such as conflict resolution and planning.

The EQ-i 2.0® and EQ 360® Model:

The EQ-i 2.0®, EQ 360®, and EQ-360™ instruments measure emotional intelligence (EI) and how it can impact people and the workplace. The 1-5-15 factor structure the EQ-i 2.0® and EQ 360® features is one overarching EI score (Total EI), broken down into five composite scores which, in turn, are broken down into a total of 15 subscales.

EQ Model.PNG

By identifying the areas that need improvement, the client can immediately begin developing those areas. At the same time, areas where the client excels can be leveraged to their full potential to maximize effectiveness in daily tasks.

While emotional intelligence is not the sole predictor of human performance and development potential, it is proven to be a key indicator in these areas. Emotional intelligence is not a static factor - on the contrary, one’s emotional intelligence changes over time and can be developed in targeted areas.

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