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January 14, 2025

Empower Your Managers to Succeed in a Diverse Workforce

Categories:  Inclusive Leadership | Culture
Empowering Your Managers to Succeed in a Diverse Workforce

We must view generational diversity not as a problem to overcome, but as an opportunity to embrace." - Lindsey Pollak (Multigenerational Expert)

Simply put, businesses that make diversity a priority outperform their peers. A more diverse team means a broader range and depth of ideas and experience, and business leaders who embrace a dynamic workforce are more likely to thrive. Research shows that organizations in the top quartile for gender diversity are 25% more likely to outperform their peers financially and businesses in the top quartile for ethnic diversity experience a 36% higher likelihood of financial success.

The Challenge of Managing a Diverse Workplace

Diverse workplaces bring together a group of individuals with various cultural and religious backgrounds, genders, ages (generations), and personalities. In the right environment, diversity is a strength, but managers must learn how to understand and value worker differences to reap the benefits. When managers stereotype or misjudge employees with values that differ from their own, they risk low employee engagement, decreased productivity, and, ultimately, high turnover rates.

Managers must go beyond surface-level interactions to truly understand what motivates different kinds of people. Do your managers possess the skills and insights required to lead effectively in a diverse environment?

The "Whole Person Concept" model developed by Dr. Ralph Colby, often referred to as the “iceberg model,” provides a profound yet straightforward framework for decoding human behavior.

The Iceberg Model Looks Beyond Surface Behavior

At its core, the iceberg model illustrates that while behavior is visible above the waterline, the driving forces behind it—thinking, feeling, values, beliefs, and needs—lie beneath the surface. To truly understand and manage employees, leaders must look below the waterline.

1.  Thinking and Feeling

Thinking and feeling lie just below the surface of our behavior. People act based on what they think they should do or what they feel like doing. This dynamic is reflected in the behaviors we see, including the enthusiasm – or lack of enthusiasm – that your employees bring into the workplace.

Consider this: Do your employees show up to work because they feel passionate about their roles or simply because they think they should? Managers who understand this distinction can inspire greater passion and commitment.

2.  Values and Beliefs

      The next layer down is our values and beliefs because they affect how we think and feel about everything, affecting our behavior. When managers judge employees based solely on their own values, they miss an opportunity to manage effectively by failing to appreciate different perspectives.

      Creating an inclusive environment requires managers to recognize that personal values aren’t inherently “right” or “wrong”—they simply vary among people based on their own backgrounds and experiences. When managers can understand and respect these differences in people from different backgrounds and generations, they are on their way to building stronger, more cohesive teams.

      3.  Needs

        At the deepest level are our subconscious psychological needs that drive instinctive behavior. For example, a strong need for acceptance might manifest in friendly behavior and an over-eagerness to help without asking for anything in return.

        Tools like the Everything DiSC® behavioral model, offered by The Heffelfinger Co., help managers identify the needs-motivated behavior of their employees and create environments that meet these needs, which leads to increased employee engagement and productivity.

        Building Effective Leaders Through Leadership Development

        Great organizations are built by effective leaders. The future of your business requires leaders who can adapt to new ways of working, leading, engaging, and managing. When managers are not ready to handle the complexities created by a diverse workforce, opportunities for growth are missed.

        At The Heffelfinger Company (THC), we help create adaptive leaders who are able to meet the evolving needs of the workforce. Through leadership development program grounded in the Whole Person Concept and tools like Everything DiSC®, we help managers:

          • Understand and leverage the unique strengths of a diverse team.
          • Foster environments where employees feel valued and motivated.
          • Navigate complex interpersonal dynamics with empathy and skill.

            Take the Next Step

            When managers are equipped to understand and support the people they are managing, the potential for organizational growth is immense because passionate, committed employees excel at their jobs. If you’re ready to build an organization where diversity is a strength and employees thrive, The Heffelfinger Company is here to help.

            Don’t miss the opportunity to grow—contact The Heffelfinger Company today and start developing the managers your organization needs to succeed.


            James & Lori

            James Jackman and Lori Heffelfinger


            Aida Fazylova. Why Is Diversity and Inclusion Important? Diversity in the workplace statistics.,decisions%2087%25%20of%20the%20time. Accessed on 1/3/2025.

            Keith E. Ayers. Are Your Managers Capable of Managing a Diverse Workforce?. 2/19/2023. Accessed on 1/3/2025.

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