“I hope the women of the United States will awaken to the full sense of the influence which they can wield if they accept the responsibility which all power implies.” - Eleanor Roosevelt, “My Day,” December 10, 1942.
An Interview with Lori Heffelfinger for Women’s History Month
Oralie Chapman: Hi, my name is Oralie Chapman with efelle. I work with Heffelfinger Company owners, Lori and James, to help promote their consulting work. Lori, it's great to speak with you about Women's History Month. What does Women's History Month mean to you as a female business leader?
Lori Heffelfinger: I think Women's History Month is really about celebrating women's leadership and women's accomplishments. It’s about recognizing that women's contributions matter and that we make the work world (and world) a better place.
So, recognizing women like Eleanor Roosevelt and Amelia Earhart, Anna Wong, Queen Elizabeth II, Rosa Parks, Maya Angelou, Sandra Day O'Connor, Toni Morrison, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Gloria Steinem, Oprah Winfrey, Amy Tan, Madeleine Albright, Princess Diana, Kamala Harris, and many more. There was a time when women's voices weren't heard. White women didn't have the right to vote until 1920. Black men were technically given the right to vote in 1870, but the Voting Rights Act of 1965 still had to be implemented before black women were given the right to vote. I share this to say that women of all races, ethnic backgrounds, and identities cannot be complacent…our voices matter and need to be heard…
Oralie Chapman: Thank you. What inspired you to found the Heffelfinger Company?
Lori Heffelfinger: I had a really great career in corporate America; I learned a lot and worked with some of the most talented leaders in the U.S. and across the globe. I wanted to apply what I had learned through my experience and my education - to be more independent and try something on my own. It started as an experiment—I wasn’t sure at first if I had the marketing skills to make it work. But the longer I did it, the more I loved it. And so, I just kept going and 20 years later I'm still at it.
Oralie Chapman: Amazing. What aspect of running a woman-owned business makes you most proud, and why?
Lori Heffelfinger: I have worked with some great organizations and great leaders, some of whom I would never have guessed I'd be working with. I've worked across sectors, from Fortune 50 to privately owned large and small organizations to nonprofit to public sector organizations. Coaching, developing and facilitating leaders and teams across industries and sectors has been so rewarding.
I am proud to have made it through the 2008-2010 recession and to have thrived when many of my colleagues closed their businesses and went back to work inside companies. I also made it through the 2020-2022 global pandemic when many of my colleagues closed their businesses because they were not able to make the pivot from in-person to hybrid or virtual offerings. And in the process, I've created work for many of my colleagues and collaborated with great colleagues. So those are the things that make me proud.
Oralie Chapman: Amazing. What unique challenges do you think women face in the consulting world?
Lori Heffelfinger: I think women consultants are afraid to charge what they are worth, and I think women who hire women are afraid to pay them what they're worth. But those same women hiring consultants won't hesitate to pay a man a higher rate, which I think is a huge disservice to women. It’s so important that we support women as much as we support men (consciously or unconsciously).
My male clients don't question my rates, nor do my male colleagues question their own rates as much as my female colleagues do. I think men are better at self-promotion and seeking self-promotion opportunities like speaking and writing while women often tend to do really great work behind the scenes. I think it's on us to value what we do and charge what we are worth.
Oralie Chapman: With that said, what advice do you have for women leaders and women consultants?
Lori Heffelfinger:
- Believe in yourself.
- Charge what you're worth.
- Be true to yourself, do it your way, and be proud, even if it's different, as long as it works and serves the greater good.
- Find the right clients and colleagues. Those who value doing “the work” and value you. Life will be so much easier.
- And never stop working on yourself, learning and growing because the moment you stop is the moment you become irrelevant.
- Support other women: As women, it’s also super important to support other women and other women's accomplishments. In the work world, we need women leaders to support younger women starting out and to recognize and encourage talented women.
When leaders lift women up, workplaces benefit.
Oralie Chapman: Thank you. What unique perspectives and strengths do you think women bring to consulting and advisory roles?
Lori Heffelfinger:
I think women are very collaborative, and care about people and making sure everyone is working well together.
I think women are also good at finding ways to get things done, even if it means doing it themselves.
There's never really a challenge or obstacle that women can't get through.
Oftentimes, women don't need credit; they just go get it done and often include others in the process of getting it done, making sure voices are heard and everyone is included.
I think those are the strengths of women.
Oralie Chapman: Thank you so much for your time, Lori.
Enhance Your Leadership Skills with Heffelfinger Company
Lori Heffelfinger’s insights highlight the importance of strong female leadership, knowing your worth, and the importance of lifting each other up along the way. As a seasoned consultant and business leader, she has spent decades helping executives and teams unlock their full potential. If you are looking to enhance your leadership skills, secure a big promotion, or achieve other specific goals in your personal or professional life, working with Lori and The Heffelfinger Company could be just what you need to take that next step.
Book a free, 20-minute assessment with Principals Lori or James to see how The Heffelfinger Company can help you, your teams, and your organization thrive.
Book a call with Lori or Book a call with James.
Oralie and Lori
Oralie Chapman and Lori Heffelfinger